Our Educational Program
Fundamental to our educational program is a view of children’s lives as characterised by belonging, being and becoming. From before birth children are connected to family, community, culture and place.
Their earliest development and learning takes place through these relationships, particularly within families, who are children’s first and most influential educators. As children participate in everyday life, they develop interests and construct their own identities and understandings of the world.
We see ‘play’ as children’s work and therefore provide a relaxed and happy environment where children feel safe and secure to play and interact with Educators and other children.
We are committed to forming supportive and genuine relationships with each other and our community. Community outings are a regular part of our program.

Seedling Kids always provide opportunities for:
- Indoor and outdoor free play activities
- One-to-one interactions
- Small group times for stories, drama, art/craft and other activities
- Large group times for music/movement games, mealtimes and other activities
- Spontaneous learning experiences, and
- Transition times between activities
Our learning program always includes the following areas:
- Music and movement
- Construction/manipulative play
- Puzzles and cognitive games
- Language and literacy
- Drawing and writing materials
- Art and craft
- Dramatic play/home corner
- Sensory play such as sand and water play
Children 1-3 years
Our toddler environments deliver a high adult to child ratio and a space to explore, discover, create and imagine through play-based learning.
We aim to foster a welcoming and home-like ambiance, where children and their families feel a sense of security and belonging.
We believe in working with families to ensure an individual flow of the day so as the rights and dignity of each child are embedded in their everyday routine and our practices. It includes foundation literacy and numeracy, construction, creative arts, music and pretend play experiences all designed for active and busy minds and bodies.
Children 3-5 years
We believe that the preschool years are a precious and critical stage of human development.
We know that children need emotional and social skills appropriate to their stage of life and, through play-based learning, particular emphasis is placed on encouraging the development of the whole child, ensuring that children are confident within themselves to transition to school.
Transitioning to school is more than being about a child’s age. In order for a successful and happy transition to school, children need to have a good grasp of language, motor co-ordination, social and emotional skills and facilitated development of literacy and numeracy confidence.
Our educators utilise the Early Years Learning Framework as the foundation of our preschool curriculum.

The Early Years Learning Framework
Our program incorporates the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and allows for a wide range of experiences that are based on the interests of the group and the individual child. The EYLF places a specific emphasis on fun, play-based learning and recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy), social and emotional development, as well as physical development and co-ordination. This can be seen in our environments, both inside and outside, and forms the foundation of everything we do.
The 5 EYLF Outcomes are:
- 01. Children have a strong sense of identity
- 02. Children are connected with and contribute to their world
- 03. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
- 04. Children are confident and involved learners
- 05. Children are effective communicators.
Our educators continuously observe the children to establish their interests, strengths and skills that require development. These observations are then used as the basis of our weekly individualised programs for which we encourage parents to provide their input and feedback.
Our educational approach incorporates contemporary educational theorists as well as best practice research and professional learning. We combine this knowledge to best reflect our beliefs with regards to children’s education and development, as well as what we strive to implement in our practices.

Contact Us
Address: 35 Brighton Avenue,
Croydon Park, NSW
Phone: (02) 9716 8832
Connect With Us